After 46 years of breeding warmbloods, earning many National awards, we have reduced our breeding program, moving into a full training, teaching, sales and a rehabilitation center. We have greatly enjoyed both the breeding and the many, many wonderful customers who have purchased our horses in the past and present. Their success in the show ring and superb bonds with their horses have been a delight to share and a personal reward. We continue to produce a small number of foals each year, with an emphasis on mind, gaits and amateur friendly personalities as always. We invite you to visit, try a few horses, take dressage or jumping lessons with our superb staff. Come share the beauty of Valhalla.
L to R, Jean Brinkman, Helena Enenkelova, Paige Williams, Iris Eppinger, Franziska Egidi, Danielle Davis, Erin Brinkman and Lea Sophie
We have a lovely group of warmbloods to offer, both our own and from outside breeders. We are accepting horses in training and importing a few horses. Other additions are the lovely warmbloods from the breeding program of John and Kari Cassel, shown below.
We also offer a small group of one and two year olds. This group offers talented, athletic youngsters with both gaits and jumping potential. They are amateur friendly, correctly and kindly raised, introduced to natural horsemanship and well handled. We can continue to board these youngsters and also start them under saddle after sale if necessary.
We invite your visit and will take the time to match you with the right horse for your needs. Matching horse and rider has been my delight and satisfaction.
Price Ranges of the Horses is indicated below - (click to jump to a category)
(PT) - Private Treaty, contact Valhalla
(PR-A): $7,500 - $15,000
(PR-B): $15,001 - $30,000
(PR-C): $30,001 - $50,000
(PR-D): $50,001 - $150,000
We are not responsible for typographical or other errors on this website.
Please contact us for more information on any of these fine horses!
Hart Throb
2009 Trakehner gelding

Dark bay gelding By Hailo Pg*E* ot of Harmonic by Martini Pg*E*. Two exceedingly successful lines in dressage with lots of jumping talent. Hart Throb has evented through training level, placing in the AECs and preparing for preliminary. He is also very talented in dressage, working 4th level with changes well established and currently preparing for FEI work.. He likes a fairly confident rider, and also likes to hack, alone or with company. He likes to work and is light in the bridle, forward with three impressive gaits. He is talented for FEI work.
Price range: D
Hailo Pg*E
Harmonic by Martini Pg*E*
Hope and Glory

Birthdate: 2013, imported Trakehner gelding. 16.2 hds.
Glory is super kind and willing, very straight forward to ride with three excellent gaits. He has shown with high scores at first level, working 2nd/3rd with plenty of upward scope and changes confirmed. He is well suited for experienced amateurs with high goals. his kind temperament and ability for dressage offers a successful and fun partnership.
Price Range C
Hope and Glory
Hauptsbuch Hawaii G

Faelen, born 2013, is truly outstanding in every aspect of gaits, brave nature and work ethic. He is trained 3rd level, working 4th with changes confirmed. He is also very good over fences. He hacks out alone and in company.
Price range: C
Insouciant "E"
Hailo Pg*E*
Fem Fatale
Fiesta SW
more video coming soon

I of The Storm
2017 Trakehner gelding
by Incantare out of Isabeau by Beaujolais
I of the Storm (Stormy) is a lovely boy with lots to offer in gaits, temperament and ability for all fields. He is solid at second level, working third with changes well started. He has good lateral ability and is quite comfortable to sit. He has three competitive gaits, very kind and willing with talent in both jumping and dressage. He hacks out bravely, with or without company He would also be excellent for eventing. He should mature 16. - 16.1
Price Range D
Enrico Caruso Ps
Icon by Martini Pg *E*
I of the Storm (Stormy)
Isabeau - Beaujolias/Hailo Pg*E*
Birthdate: April 9, 2014
Fairmont is a 16.2h black Trakehner gelding shown successfully through second Level, with scores up to 68%. He is sweet and brings excellent gaits, suspension, effort and energy into his training. He is talented enough for a professional, but would be really fun for a young rider or amateur to bring up the levels in dressage. He also shows talent over fences.
Price Range: C
Arktis II
Tanzeln *Ps*

VIDEO (New Video & Pics coming soon)
Birthdate: March 19, 2016
Fairbanks is a 16.3h 2015 Trakehner gelding. He is eye-catching with big gaits and significant suspension. Because of his size we have been taking his training very slowly and carefully and he is just now ready to start going to shows. He is talented enough for a professional, but would also be really fun for a young rider or amateur to bring up the levels in dressage.
Price Range: C
Songline II *Ps*
St.Pr.,Pr.&E.St. Schwalbenspiel
Tanzeln *Ps*
Video and more pics coming soon

2018 Trakehner/Thoroughbred gelding.
by Platinum Vom Rappenhoff *Pb* out of thoroughbred mare Matthewmagicdragon xx by Cohiba
Melko is dual talented. He loves to jump and also has three competitive gaits for dressage. He is working training/first level and offers a willing, brave character.. He is well bred for eventing with correct conformation, super gallop, quiet and calm in his first outings away from the farm. His dam was a competitive jumper. He is talented enough for professionals and calm enough to bring amateurs to their goals with a very athletic ride. He should mature 16.2-3.
Pedigree Price range: C
Platinum Vom Rappenhof *Pb*
Cohiba xx
Matthewmagicdragon xx
Nice Butmagic xx
SOLD Horses
Illume: Congratulations: Becky Bebber Wells
Improvisation; Congratulaitons: Khleeen Facio, Wis.
Quick Romance: Congratulations: Debra Dealcruz, Tx.
Clarity: Congratulations to Alix Gardner, Fl
Classic Conversion Cav-1 Congratulations to Nadia Yahraus Kantenwein, Fl.
Folklore: Congratulations: Gaylia Bullock, Wa.
Quick Song: Congratulations: Jennifer Lauhoff, Mi.
Sister Fly: Congratulations: Dianne Canistro-Ferrari, SC
Marco Polo; Congratulations Michelle Warro, Fl.
Lamarck: Congratulations Gina Stephenson, Ga.
Quiet Reality: Congratulations Petra Roden, Al.
Cassius Clay:
High Lander: Congratulations Andy Bossler Family, Ar
Laius: Congratulations Pamela Silverman, NC
Wycliff: Congratulations Janice Beckett, Oh
Filigree: Congratulations Andrew Palmer, Al
Dashing: Congratulations Maria Maloney, Ks
Leander: Congratulations Mary Ann Callahan, Fl.
Helius: Congratulations Sandra Lucas, Fl.
Ayita: Congratulations Jade and Angela Cordon, Ga.
Donnerfurst: Congratulations Lucinda Dorsey, Pa.
Corinthian: Congratulations Margaret Rogers, N.C.
Miracle: Congratulations Misty Caston, Mi.
Flirtatious: Congratulations Alix Garner, Fl.
Strawhat: Congratulations Vonna Reed, Tn.
Luscious: Congratulations Jennifer Rodriguez, Fl.
Dabella: Congratulations Denise Reeder, Fl.
Finali - Congratulations to Charlotte Crowe, Alabama
Ivana - Congratulations to Kitty & Todd Tyrie, SC
Montero V: Congratulations to Tiffany Patterson, Tx.
Ammanda: Congratulations to Billie Ann Franchella, Fl.
Imminence: Congratulations to Terrie Emilson, Fl.
Primavera: Congratulations to Peggy Simon, NH
Lallique: Congratulations to Jean Thornton, Fl.
Nina: Congratulations to Chris Warren, Fl.
Bikkel: Congratulations to Mike McCormick, Tx
Finery: Congratulations Terrie Emilson, Fl
Redford: Congratulations to Stacey Porter, IA
Kiera: Congratulations to Cheryl Youngman
Le'Dancer: Congratulations to Jeanne Rennick, Mn
Legatee: Congratulations Chris Cox, Fl
El Rouge: Congratulations Dayle Hollenger, Ga.
Sami Sawyer: Congratulations Janis Hammond, Az
Callaghan: Congratulations Nancy Bright
Zafiro Dos Cedros: Congratulations to Amy Bresky of NC
Wannabee: Congratulations to Monica White, Ok.
Insightful: Congratulations to Jacqueline Beckner, CAN
Infürst: Congratulations to Michelle Parkinson, Al
Adeline: Congratulations Linda Sjoman, BC, Can
First Wish: Congratulations Betty Wise, Mt
Azucena: Congratulations to Suzanne K.B. Fraser, Vt.
Hallmarc: Congratulations Madeleine Bolsen, Fl
Adella: Congratulations Julia Toscano, Ga
Whippet: Congratulations Scarlett Fahrenson, AZ
Kite: Congratulations Sandy Baker, BC, Can
Lofty: Congratulations, Marian McDonald, Pa
Felicity: Congratulations to Talia Forcina, GA
Majical: Congratulations to Lauren Gold, PA
Honorbound: Congratulations Stefanie Sobol, WV
Wassail: Congratulations to Kimmie Taylor, Fl
LeAviator: Congratulations to Taryn Kean, Fl.
Felisha: Congratulations to Amy Bowers, Co.
Fetching: Congratulations to Roberta Goodman, TN
Fantasee: Congratulations to Lance Atkinson, Fl
Ice Device: Congratulations Marsha Sapp, Fl
Fayme: Congratulations to Allison Ross, Ga.
Ammour: Congratulations to Liza Manual, SC
Shambala SDF: Congratulations to Richard Hunt, Tx.
Wycliffe: Congratulations to Tish Fricks, Ga.
Feuerfee: Congratulations to Ann Manual, SC
Improv: Congratulations to Shana Ross, Fl.
Ilori: Congratulations to Sandra Edgar, Fl
Lusiana: Congratulations to Minna Greco, NJ
Arella: Congratulations to Mary Glissman-Paul, Fl.
Herzenfürst: Congratulation to Erin Brinkman, Fl
Isabeau: Congratulations Dolores Khorramabadi, Al
Femi: Congratulations to Frederick and Margaret Neesemann, Fl.
Walk on Air: Congratulations to Vonna Read, Tx
Inspirit: Congratulations to Linda Sjoman, Canada
HILIFE: Congratulations to J. David Pearce, IL
Feivel: Congratulations to Julie Hill, Ga.
Fenwick: Congratulations to Ann Buchanan, Ky.
Kosmisch: Congratulations to Rita Boehm, MD
Falcor: Congratulations: Jessica Ebert Eldmann, VT
Fulcrum: Congratulations to Mary Dawson, AL
Quartz 5
Indelible, newly approved stallion: Congratulations to JennaGardner, Fl
Aurra *Ps*: Congratulations to Anne Macguire, Wy
Lucas Canto: Congratulations to Amanda Paris, NCAmmador Congratulations to Julie Hill, Ga.
Paradieren Congratulations to Steve Marsee, Fl
Wyanet, Denise Moore, Tx
Belle Esprit: Nancy Holland, Tenn.
Fianna: Dana Clark, Ga
Harmonic: Jacqueline Beckner, Canada
Prema: Noelle McGill, Ky
Arella: Chris Kellog, Fl
West Broadway: Allison Bird, SC
Intriguing: Stephanie Svatek, Tx
Rappe Star: Connie Kempter, Canada
Moya: Allison Eversol, SC
Lilac Moon: Cathy Hall, Tenn
Imagin: Lance Atkinson: Ga